活性碳口罩效果好?專家這樣說 | 2021全台活動資訊網
活性碳口罩效果好?專家這樣說.Oct,2019.YITING口罩系列.Search.Search...Archive.Apr2019;May2019;Jun2019;Jul2019;Aug2019;Sep2019;Oct2019 ...
YITING - A Taiwanese Professional Manufacturer of Non-woven Fabrics.Based in Taiwan since 2014, YITING NON-WOVEN CO., LTD is a professional manufacturer of non-woven fabric products in textile industry. Main products, including non-woven fabric filter bags for tea or coffee, non-woven fabric drink carry bags, non-woven fabric surgical masks, non-woven wrapping papers, non-woven fabric dust-proof covers and bags and biodegradable plant branch tapes.
Sold in Taiwan, Asia, and North America, YITING has a 105 million non-woven fabric product production capacity, high standard manufacturing environment and processing equipment, and a clean room to produce for food-graded and medical-graded non-woven fabric products.
YITING has been offering customers high-quality non-woven fabric products since 2014, both with advanced technology and 30 years ef xperience, YITING ensures each customer...
YITING | 2021全台活動資訊網
活性碳口罩效果好?專家這樣說 | 2021全台活動資訊網
易廷企業口罩國家隊製造商 | 2021全台活動資訊網
口罩新機生產全紀錄 | 2021全台活動資訊網
台灣製雙鋼印~醫療級+三層平面口罩 | 2021全台活動資訊網
清新宣言易廷醫用口罩成人平面口罩兒童平面口罩現貨台灣製造 ... | 2021全台活動資訊網
易廷不織布加工咖啡濾布/咖啡濾袋/茶滷中藥包袋/口罩/頭套 | 2021全台活動資訊網