Fablab Taipei | 2021全台活動資訊網
FablabTaipeiopenedatMay2013,andnowoperatedbyTaiwanMakersAssociation,acommunitybasednonprofitorganization.Ourgoalistobuilda ...
Welcome to fablabs.io!Here are few suggestions about how we can help you and how you can participate and talk with us if you have any question or problem regarding the Fablabs.io platform.
Discuss with the communityYou can ask for support to the administrators and the whole community in the Fablabs.io Discuss section within the Site feedback category[1]. Site feedback category[2] we would also love to hear your ideas and suggestions regarding Fablabs.io, its features, development, how it works and how we can improve it.
Discuss with the community[3] Help with the technical development on GitHubIf you have instead messages regarding the technical development or bugs of the platform, we would ask you to discuss these on the Fablabs.io repositories on GitHub (Fablabs.io is free/open source software!) at https://github.com/fablabbcn/fablabs[4].
Join the development[5] E-mail the administratorsIf you need instead to contact the administrators of Fablab...
Fablab Taipei | 2021全台活動資訊網
Fablab Taipei | 2021全台活動資訊網
Fablab Taipei 台北自造實驗室 | 2021全台活動資訊網
Fablab Taipei 台北自造實驗室 | 2021全台活動資訊網
Fablab Taipei | 2021全台活動資訊網
Fablab Taipei台北自造實驗室– Startup | 2021全台活動資訊網
【創育機構 | 2021全台活動資訊網
Fablab Taipei | 2021全台活動資訊網
Fablab Taipei | 2021全台活動資訊網
台灣自造新基地誕生! FabLab Taipei 空總揭牌,將成國際 ... | 2021全台活動資訊網
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