景薰樓國際藝術拍賣 | 2021全台活動資訊網
陳澄波CHENChengPo(1895-1947)自台北師範學校畢業後,在家鄉曾擔任小學...在日求學期間,作品曾入選帝展,並於1929至1933年間居留於中國大陸,並 ...
陳澄波 CHEN Cheng Po 簡介|
陳澄波CHEN Cheng Po (1895-1947)自台北師範學校畢業後,在家鄉曾擔任小學教員的工作。至1923年才赴日留學, 並進入東京美術學校就讀習畫,爾後又進入研究科專攻西畫。在日求學期間,作品曾入選帝展,並於1929至1933年間居留於中國大陸,並擔任多項職位。1933年,因台陽美術協會的籌備工作,而決定返國。1947年遭遇「228事件」之政治迫害,而被槍決。
After graduating from the Teaching Department of the Taipei Japanese School in 1917, he worked as primary school teacher. In 1923, Chen went to Japan and studied at the Tokyo Fine Arts Institute. While he was a student, Chens works were selected by the Imperial College of Fine Arts. Chen was sponsored by the Japanese government to study in France in 1897. Chen was in Mainland China f rom 1929 to 1933 and taught at several schools. After returning to Taiwan. He co-founded the Taiyang Fine Arts Association. Chen devoted himself to painting until his death in 1947.
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